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Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Let's Get to know our Chakra Energy

Let's Get to know our Chakra Energy

If you all have ever seen Naruto, Kakashi, or Shikamaru. you'll often hear  the term CAKRA. What is CAKRA? It's in the real world? Then if there is what we have? . Hm .. questions that exciting is not it? Now we will set out a bit.
Basic division:

• Violet Crown (crown chakra)
• Indigo Brow (Ajna chakra / third eye)
• Blue Throat (throat chakra)
• Green Heart (heart chakra)
• Yellow Solar Plexus (navel chakra)
• Orange sacral (sex chakra)
• Red Base (base chakra)
White chakra in the forehead (third eye) is called Sahasrara, and orange chakra called Muladhara. Two of this chakra is the chakra between the two primary and most trained in meditation to the problem of sensitivity and Ajna chakra or third eye.
For those who never participated or kundalini reiki definitely get the opening and pengkatifan Ajna chakra and the other chakras chakra where it is gradually opening up of the chakra (crown) to the base chakra.
Each chakra that has a relationship with the organs of our body. Suppose the crown chakra is connected with internal organs such as the head section of the brain, such as eye Ajna chakra. Such as the heart chakra heart and lungs as well as other chakras. And each chakra is also connected with the name glands, such as:
• crown Chakra - pineal gland
• Ajna Chakra - pituitary gland
• throat chakra - the thyroid and parathyroid glands
• Heart Chakra - glands thimus
• navel chakra - the adrenal glands
• Chakra sex - testosterone gland
For the Ajna chakra, so that may well trained, in addition to cleaning and clearing, also needs to be done cleaning the pineal gland, where the pineal gland is the master gland or glands that regulate major body systems, the cleaner our pineal gland is more sensitive to energy and also our the better for those who want to open themselves to another dimension but remain sensitive to the level of each human being different, well the harder core practice, the closer to get the excess.
Of a person's aura can be upgraded from the start charm, dignity and confidence. All seven energy centers of the respective base chakra is located at the base of the spine. Function as a "roots" support life, and symbolized by the red sparkle. That said, the energy of the Earth go through this chakra. He also controls and energizes the bone structure, musculature, and reproductive blood. So, if there is an interruption of work involving muscle or bone, chakra is the source of the problem.
The second chakra (chakra sex) associated with the sexual aspect. Position around the sexual organs, is often identified with the color orange. His job controls and energizes the organs in the pelvic cavity, including the reproductive organs, urinary tract and surrounding areas. Diseases that often originate from this energy center: infertility, impotence, urinary tract infections, as well as prostate enlargement.
The third major chakra is called the solar plexus. Located in the empty meeting between the ribs and solar plexus, symbolized by the color yellow. This point serves as a center for emotions, such as bold, tenacious, active, angry, hate, to hurt. In addition, it controls the energy in the liver, pancreas, stomach, colon and small intestine. Also associated with the digestive system, processing, and disposal of food scraps.
While the heart chakra, based in the center front chest and back, usually visualized in a bright emerald green color. Known also as the center of subtle emotions, like compassion, peace, joy, kindness, sensitivity, the source of love and conscience. Also represents a concern for others and controlling energy in the heart, thymus gland, and lungs.
Next, the throat chakra, associated with the color blue. That said, this is the energy center that expresses the thoughts, feelings, and desires. If the disc is strong, the owner would dare to say yes or no. In cooperation with other organs, the throat chakra is responsible for energizing the throat, airways, and the thyroid gland.
After that, up to the sixth chakra, aka aka master chakra Ajna chakra or third eye. These energy centers have a fairly privileged position because it symbolizes wisdom. The color is purplish blue or indigo, with the main task of controlling and energizes the glands, endocrine system, and the other main chakras. Known as the third eye chakra also controls and the ability to see something that is intangible. If disturbed, the body would be easy to lose balance, endocrine malfunctions, and problems of the eyes, ears, and nose.
Finally, the crown chakra. Highest position in the energy centers that exist, because hanging out at the top of the head or crown. Because of that, he was given the responsibility of controlling and energizes the pineal gland, nervous system, brain and left-right balance. Diseases associated with neurological disorders comes from the "dirt pile" on this disc.

How to open the Chakra energy in humans

Little shared knowledge about how to open the energy chakras in the human body and diagnose whether its energy is already open and can be used in everyday life.
This technique opens the chakras 1, 2 or 6, But certainly not to the 7 chakras.
This technique is very simple technique and if run dg sungguh2 (routine) cakranya GUARANTEED OPEN.

Practical techniques:

1) Take a Position RELAX, (mandatory). Try a quiet place and little distortion or interference from noise and the outside world, so you can concentrate properly.

2) The position of the body up to you, which is important you feel relaxed and can concentrate. Try not to fall asleep or in a sleeping position because you will lealp and the loop will be activities you are doing today.

3) Pull the Long Breath through the mouth .... pull out in Stomach. (Must)

4) Remove the breath through the nose and pull out in Stomach. (Must)

5) Repeat no.3 & 4, 7 times (Must)

6) After that follow the movement of entry and exit your breath through your nose and mouth position meetings, to relax.

7) Feel the breath move the flow throughout your body.

8) Gradually, the energy will slowly pausing at certain points in our body.
Just follow the do not hold, then will move to the next point.

until then will berhentik at one point (finish). feel that energy, once again just to feel alone. And do not try to control it. (Must).

9) Once you feel comfortable, just desist these activities.
How to find out whether the energy chakras been successfully opened.

How to test whether the energy chakras in our body teresebut already open after going through the activities mentioned above, the following are examples of its use:

Suppose you have a strong desire of some things in life, then the concentrate, as if you'll be full on keingian mendapatkannya.Konsentrasi is highly recommended.

Once we set our goals with a round, take a position and use the above techniques.
Then you will feel:
1) which first appeared in your mind is worry or fear of lack of success of your goals.

2) continue to follow, do not resist the taste Then you will feel that such concerns will slowly disappear and fade on its own.

3) after missing tersebt worries it will display a belief that your goals will be successful. follow the energy and feeling confident.
4) Once energy is feeling confident stopped at one point, then continue to feel up to form a
the energy is very besar.dan then say to myself 'I'm controlling this energy' (Must).
End the activity and see the results of operations that you want in the next few days. Will usually run by itself to achieve success, provided that is preceded by the opening of the road. (Eg initial nego, initial presentation, the initial proposal, etc.)

Energy chakras and energy as well as their role for humans.

After the open chakra energy in your body, so many positive things that you can feel. One of them is that you can activate the power within.
Basically everyone has what is called the power within, just that they do not know how to awaken or develop it. Power in humans had been there since birth. But power was still passive and at times will rise if the person is in a state of panic, sleep walking, hypnotized or extraordinary fear.
Humans have a chemical element body (Body Chemistry) called ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate). ATP can be transformed into energy through the body's metabolic processes. In simple terms can be written as follows:
O2 + ATP + Glycogen Energy
ATP serves as energy reserve. For example, after we exercise and tired then rested for a moment then when our bodies will be recovered. Form of energy produced by ATP in an everyday form of body heat, helping to smooth the distribution of adrenaline, turn the body's chemistry to form the immune system (antibodies), turn on the digestive activity and turn on all the activities of the organs in the human body.
Based on the research, people in everyday life using only about 2.5% of whole body energy facilities. 97.5% while the other is hidden as a backup in the gut hati.Permasalahannya is how to optimize and generate the stored energy is to be used in everyday life.
Humans, if able to increase its strength by 0.1 to 0.3% (to become 2.6 to 2.8%) can kill a horse in one blow can break or five stacked steel rod miser, breaking river stones was not an obstacle for which has the power within.

Power or energy in an energy reserve is centered on the nerves around the solar plexus and the post-resurrection will come together on one body part is called the solar plexus or kundalini. According to various sources, kundalini is a part of the human body in the form of 31 / 2 circle, exists between the tail and the pubic bone below the navel. Shaped like a snake that is coiled or curled. So in this case should be explained that the power source in the gut, not the solar plexus as the opinion of those during this and the solar plexus is the gathering place of reserve energy after the resurrection.
Solar Plexus / Chakra

Only one way to generate power in (after the opening of energy chakras in your body) through normal breathing to change into special breathing, ie by optimizing the oxygen intake should not be wasted while for the other parts must be balanced.
To generate energy reserves quickly, oxygen must be circulated rapidly throughout the body and also to dispose of toxic gases CO2 quickly. Therefore, when disposing of the body must dikejangkan breath through the abdominal muscles. With pengejangan body, oxygen will be spinning up a vortex of energy that absorbs all the energy in the body are scattered and hidden. While the disposal of toxic gases is done by you breathe through your mouth. If those two things done then the oxygen that rotates inside our body is clean oxygen without CO2. This is one of the secrets, too, why those who study power in correctly is always healthy and rarely sick.
The function of the power within;
1. Physical power becomes much stronger
2. To sharpen the senses.
3. To generate a sixth sense.
4. To crush hard objects.
5. To lighten the body.
6. To strengthen the brain's memory.
7. To promote health and body resistance against physical attacks and disease attack.
8. To strengthen the weak object.
9. To Telekinetik / move objects from a distance

Similarly, sharing a bit about chakras and energy in, hopefully this article useful and can be used in goodness.

Keep smilling ....

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